Friday, October 11, 2024

My crazy week 10-5 to 10-11

SATURDAY-I went to Walmart at 6:15AM. I back in my car at 6:49AM. I did get a bird feeder. Walmart have Christmas stuff out. They should wait until the week before Thanksgiving. That could be why I don't have fun at Christmas. I fill the bird feeder half way. I had trash can of bird food from the trailer. Paoli High School football team won last night. IU football team won today. IU is 6-0

SUNDAY-Ared bird was on the bird feeder. So I fill it to the top I sleep off and on all day.  I didn't read today.I post on facebook to see if Paoli football team was 5-0 or 6-0  they are 6-0.

MONDAY-I look outside after 6AM. The bird feeder wasn't fill to the top. I saw something I never saw before today. There lady's got email saying they can't fly out of Florida on Wednesday or Thursday. I received a birthday card from a old pen pal. I received a birthday card from my mom and Dad. I didn't sit outside today. 

TUESDAY-Stori told me she have a 2:30 pm  hair appt tomorrow in French Lick. She ask me if I want her to take me home after lunch. I said I will stay with her. So she didn't have to drive back to French Lick. 

WEDNESDAY-I'm 59 year old. I got in Stori car at 12:02PM. After lunch we went in small stores. I got a French Lick T-shirt.  Then we went to Stori appt. We got back in her around 4:45PM. I had Stori hit McDonald for me to get a diet coke and small French Lick. I got home after 5PM. 

THURSDAY-I sleep good last night. I wonder why it happen what I heard. I didn't get any mail. I will open the other mail from yesterday tonight. The house was 68 this morning. I haven't turn on my furnace yet. I need to pick up the living room. I didn't last night. 

FRIDAY-I didn't open my mail from Wednesday last night. I open the mail today after 2PM. I'm on vacation until Oct 21. I will read all week. It Fall vacation for the kids in Paoli. I haven't received a Cheryl cookie's  catalog yet. If I don't get Cheryl Cookie's catalog tomorrow. I will order cookies on Sunday. Clay Aiken think having Christmas trees out in store now is crazy.



Friday, October 4, 2024

My crazy week 9/28 to 10/4

SATURDAY-Paoli High School football team won last night in rain and wind. IU football team won today. I got Monroe birthday card today. I made a Walmart pick up order for Wednesday. I will mail Monroe birthday card on Tuesday. Because I have to to get Monroe money out of my saving on Monday.

SUNDAY-My fiber went out last night. I couldn't get to any Yahoo pages. Until 12:40 this morning. I made pancake for the month. I wish I could talk to my eye doctor before Dec 19. I change the battery in the battery candles last night in my bathroom. Drake Hogestyn from Days of Our Lives pass away yesterday. 

MONDAY-My alarm for wasn't turn on 5:40. I got out of bed at 5:47. I received the book Good Night  Indiana University today. I guess I will not feel safe anymore. Because of what happen today. The mowing crew was here. They didn't come to get the check again. I did get Monroe birthday money out of my saving today. 

TUESDAY-My eyes open at 4:44AM. I got out bed at 5:15AM. I was hoping to read some of the book. But I only read 1 page. I'm right about not feeling safe at a place. Stori and I went to Walmart. So I could get pillows  picture frame. President Jimmy Carter is 100 Today. I didn't eat lunch. I didn't go outside to read. 

WEDNESDAY-I sleep all night. Went to Walmart. My Iphone had SOS on it. I couldn't check-in for my Walmart pick-up. I had to wait for a person to put grocery in a car. To tell them I was there to get my pick-up. I didn't eat lunch that much. I was on the phone with Verizon about the data. Then my Louisville Channels on TV was from Evansville. So I had to go on So I use my Iphone to get Louisville channels back.

THURSDAY-I was feeling good until I was at work. The data was back on my Iphone when I got up for work. I was able to get on my computer before 1PM. Stori came to change  her clothes to help with Jr High School tennis team (7 & 8 grade). She put a pole in the ground for me so I could get a IU bird feeder. But it out stock. I will get a every day bird feeder until I can order the IU one.

FRIDAY-Work was good today. I  did received my safely glasses case from Nocry. I order it from Amazon. Stori text to see if I was working on my birthday. I said yes because I'm taking 14-18 off from work. They are going on vacation. 



Friday, September 27, 2024

My crazy week 9-21 to 9-27

 SATURDAY-My eye open at 5:28AM. So I got up for the day. I didn't have a good grocery list today. Paoli High School football team won last night. Then IU football team won today. I didn't go to my mailbox yesterday. So I went to check my mailbox. My Ballot to vote for Nov 5 was in my mailbox. I will fill it out in Oct. I had  to put new battery's in the pumpkin last night. I donate $700.00 to National Project at 6:45PM the start of the dinner. 

SUNDAY-I didn't read this weekend. I got my banking stuff together for tomorrow. Carol call about our Roger coming. I told her I was busy and I'm this week. I love the new TV show Matlock.

MONDAY-I went to the bank after work. I made up my mind about how many days I' taking off for my laser surgery in January 6. My new safety glasses came today. The mowing crew mow in the rain. I pay my credit I couldn't login on my PC on Capital One. Mom didn't call back about dinner. 

TUESDAY-It didn't rain after I got to work. So I come home got $10.00 and went to gas the car up. I'm doing what Carol told me when our cousin June was here. Carol didn't let me out of my car at the Green Acres Golf Course parking lot. She told me that other persons stuff is over my, and my dad nieces and nephews are here for dad not for me. I'm doing it. My cousin Roger don't need to see me or MY house. Because he here for Dad. A lady was sitting in her truck next to me in the Green Acres parking lot. The lady heard everything Carol said. I'm hoping she video Carol and put it on facebook. Then more people know how rude Carol is to me. When no one is around us. My luck Carol will tell me my glaucoma is no big deal  then Roger seeing dad then me. If I let Carol in the house she will start a fight she do it everytime. 

WEDNESDAY-I was feeling good until dad come I couldn't hold my pill bottle That how bad Dad got me upset I couldn't hold anything. Dad think Carol have the right to start fighting with me in front of our Great-nieces. I wish I told the lady to have her whole family call the police on Carol in 2015. But I didn't I said my sorry for Carol  acting. I been saying sorry for Carol acting since Livia was in 7 grade.  My parents will never hear me out. If Carol went to jail in 2015. Dad may listen to me in 2015. I wish there was Cameras in the square on street lights 10 year ago. Carol would been in trouble with the police hit into park car to make me sick. Dad didn't ask about the glaucoma I have. He just went off on me. I need to take a test. But dad will stand up for Carol if she go to jail. He never stand up for me. That why I stay away, because I'm sick of name calling, lies , black and blue mark from Carol. 

THURSDAY-I will never feel safe in the house with Carol or Dad, after what he did yesterday. I wish I know if the ER had cameras in the hallway in 2008. My cousin came without Carol to see my house. I was able to talk without anyone cutting me off. I couldn't sleep last night because of Dad and the laser surgery. I only sleep 2 hours last night. 

FRIDAY-It's Shaun Cassidy Birthday. It rain all day. It was raining when I walk in the living room at 6:05AM. I didn't check my mailbox today because the USPS mobile app said no mail. I know I will never feel safe in my family(Dad, Mom, Christy and Carol)again. The wind is bad. I had to move the pumpkin back by the living room window last night. 



Friday, September 20, 2024

My crazy week 9-15 to 9-20

SATURDAY-I couldn't sleep pass 4:53 AM. So I got up at 5:15 AM. After my shower I put my laundry away. and clean my kitchen sink. Before I went to Walmart. I call Capital One to see if they can ship a card to me overnight. it cost me $16.00. Then I call after 9AM to see if the lady can put in my account that all card need to be ship overnight to me.  She  said there a card in the mail. I try to tell her I wouldn't received any mail today. She didn't understand that I check USPS app every night. Around 1PM I comment on Capital One facebook page about the run around I get about 4-6 business days. The person ask me to send to send a private message. So I did the person didn't understand why they didn't overnight  2-3 business days to 4-6 business days. I didn't get any mail today. I had a question for Capital one.   To see 4-6 business day was because they cancel my card by text. The person said they should ask me if I want 2- 3 or 4-6 business days not tell me 4-6 business day. Paoli School football team won last night 40-0.

SUNDAY-I call Capital One to see if I get answer why I got on 4-6 business day delivery. The people didn't give me a straight answer. So I send a private message. The person said it standard delivery time by text. So if I don't get the card tomorrow. I can ask by phone for 2-3 business days. 

MONDAY-I was able to see mymail at 5:28AM on USPS app. My  new Credit card is in the mail today. I was able to put my new card on YoutubeTV and cancel my old one on everything on the Internet. I paid my car insurance. 

TUESDAY-I was going to pick up my glasses then go to Walmart to pick up my grocery order. But the mowing was here. So I made a check out for the first time in two weeks. Then I went to Walmart. I call Capital one to tell them I was going to use my card at Infocus Eyecare.  So they wouldn't cut off the card. Today is a year and 4 months.  I been in the house.

WEDNESDAY-I was feeling good until something happen. After work and lunch . At 1pm I went to Hoosier Upland with my bank statement. For the lady make copy's of all 3 pages. The page that all my checks was on was copy too. I wish I could get my laser surgery this month. But no Jan . I think I will take 3 days off for the surgery 1 day for the surgery and 2 day to recover.

THURSDAY-Today is the first time I took a nap all week.  I received insurance service Inc. letter from Kirk and Associate about my medicare. I'm not filling out they paperwork. I never received a letter from Kirk and Associate about my medicare before. The more I think of the laser surgery. I feel I will not see for days. Because I see out of my left eye then my right eye. 

FRIDAY-I was thinking this morning going to work. I been a month yesterday I sent a private message to my old neighbor to see when the tree limb fell. The landlord haven't fix the limb yet. Clay Aiken fans found his new Christmas CD on Amazon today. I had order my in April.

Friday, September 13, 2024

My crazy week 9/7 to 9/13

SATURDAY-Yesterday I went outside at 3 to read. I saw my pumpkin was rolling around on the porch. Because the wind was bad. So I put the pumpkin in the house. I thought I would put the pumpkin in the rocker chair. on the porch. Indiana Hoosier football team won with 77 points. They scoreboard stop working because Indiana team never hit 77 points before. Someone use my credit card. So the company canceled the card. They will send me a new card. I'm hoping I received it by 17. Paoli High School football team won the Orange Bowl Trophy again last night. 

SUNDAY-I didn't read that much yesterday after my credit card was canceled, I couldn't do anything. I have a feeling I will not get the new Credit card before the 26 when YoutubeTV get paid. They don't send a bill in the mail . They bill my credit card I turn on my pumpkin at 5 PM yesterday. It turn off at 11PM it have a 6 hours timer. I will wait and see if it will turn on by it self. 

MONDAY-I didn't sleep good last night. I had shorts on for the day. I saw the outside temperature was 43. So I took the shorts off and put blue jeans on. I guess no more shorts until May.I call Capital One 3 times. Because I couldn't get when the new card was in mail to me. The third person said it was mail on Monday. If I don't get it on Monday 16th to call back. Stori email me the link to get absentee ballot form at 9PM. 

TUESDAY-Before work I print out the absentee Ballot Form. Then after work I bookmark my computer. So Stori don't have to send it to me every time I need to vote. I received My First Crush cap from Shaun Cassidy website. I only have under 197 pages in the book I'm reading. 

WEDNESDAY-Capital One email me at 2:11AM on Tuesday. Saying I should received my new card by the 15th. I look at USPS mobile app after 8PM last night no mail from Capital One today. I have a bad feeling I will not be able to donate $700.00 on the 21 to National Inclusion Project. If I don't received the card before the 26 my YoutubeTV will be turn off. I was able to clean something at work That I knew it need to be clean. I was thinking I'm not paying the whole bill to Capital One if I don't get the card before the due date. So my account will be close. 

THURSDAY-I check the USPS mobile app last night. I got mail but not from Capital One today. I call Capital One to see if I can call on Saturday if I don't get the new card . No I have to call Monday. The last day I can receive the card is the 15th and that is Sunday. I will not get mail on Sunday. I'm sick to my stomach because I don't have the card. I was hoping it was in the mail today. I don't think Capital One mail the card on Saturday or Monday. I count the from 15th. The first business day the card was in the mail was Wednesday. I think they mail it Tuesday. I think I may get it Tomorrow it the 4th business day . They said between the 4 business day or the 6 business day. I have a bill from my Eye doctor office. If I don't get my credit card by Monday. I will call the eye doctor office and if they take checks.

FRIDAY-I check USPS mobile app last night. I got mail but no mail from Capital One today. I will not get the card. I will have to call on Monday. I last night the people said to wait on Tuesday to call. Because they don't count Saturday and Sunday. So I have count the 16 and 17 as 6 business days. It look like I will get YouTubeTV turn off. It because Capital One don't overnight new cards. They mail them and tell people wait 4 to 6 business days. Then everyone don't have to wait I call again after lunch. Because waiting until Tuesday to call back to feel right to me. They guy said to call back on Monday. I will see if I can received it on Friday. There something on the USPS appp I was getting It wasn't in my mail. I went on USPS app to tell them. I didn't get the piece of mail. I saw it have I received 4 pieces of mail today. I only received fiber bill and Woman's world. I have a feeling I will not get the Credit card for the 26. 



Friday, September 6, 2024

My crazy week 8/31 to 9/6

SATURDAY - I was in my car by 7AM going home from Walmart. After putting my grocery away. I fill my shampoo bottle and my two hand soap bottles for September. Paoli High School football team won last night. I put new battery's in my TV remote in the living room.  I almost hit deers almost by my house this morning. 

SUNDAY-I did use the Ibotta app yesterday. I made $2.20 on the Ibotta app. I was able to read today. I didn't feel good yesterday. The water boil advisory was lifted around 2pm. I got the  green grapes wash after the water was ok. I open the can of pineapple for the week. 

MONDAY-I went to bed after 2AM. My eyes open at 7:22AM for the day. I'm hoping the laser surgery don't cost me $4,000.00 I can't pay it in full. No one call to get together today. I had pancakes and sausage patties for breakfast. When I go to work. I have Maple and brown sugar instant Oatmeal for breakfast at 6:30AM. 

TUESDAY-I will have to order a new Labor Day mailbox cover. The whole cover was magnetic. I guess it got hot and didn't come off the mailbox It come off in pieces. My  parents been married for 68 years today. Malcolm saw the pumpkin driving pass my house. 

WEDNESDAY-I sleep the whole night. I received my caddy I order from Walmart. I didn't know it was a shower caddy. It ok I use it to carry stuff outside. UPS driver use my driveway his turn around. He come all the way to garage door. I was thinking today was Tuesday. I went outside at 10:30pm last night to turn off the pumpkin, it was off. 

THURSDAY-I send a message to Williams Brother for refill on Vitamin D, Levothyroxine and Hydrochlorothiazide on Rx Local app yesterday. So I could pick them up after work today. It hit me at work, I forgot money for the vitamin D. So I came home to get the money. I went to Williams brother to get 3 bottles of pills. I sit on the couch open the bag of 3 bottles of pills. I got Hydrochlorothiazide, Losartan and Vitamin D. But no Levothyroxine. So I send a message again. The Pharmacy was sorry. I will pick them up tomorrow.

FRIDAY-I told a co-worker the name of my eye problem Glaucoma. I did get my Levothyroxine  pills. I will have the IU football game on TV with no sound and have Paoli High School football game on the radio. I will sit in the living room with the radio on and the TV on with no sound at 7PM tonight. 



Friday, August 30, 2024

My crazy week 8/24 to 8/30

SATURDAY-I went to walmart before 6:30AM. I got back in the car at 6:55AM. I did use the ibotta today. I made $4.15 from ibotta app. 6 peoples readed my weekly blog last night. Paoli High school football team won they first game last night. Christy accident call me. i guess my phone number is firsi in her favorites list. She is the first in my favorites list.The cbs big brother t-shirt come today. It have a key on it with my name. like the keys on the show. 

SUNDAY-I didn't turn my A/C to 70 I kept it at 75 last night. I did sleep good. i got my bank stuff together after dinner last night and my dad rent check. I made pancakes after breakfast this morning I did clean my kitchen sink out last night. 

MONDAY-I text Stori after 7AM to see if she can take me, to my eye doctor appointment tomorrow it 1PM. Green Acres mowing crew is going to mow for 2 weeks for free. So I can donate $100.00 more to National Inclusion Project. So right now it is $700.00 to donate. The eye doctor office call. They don't do the test at 1PM. So I have to be there at 2PM. I had to call Stori, she didn't answer So i put a message on her phone. If I don't hear from her. I will text Stori tomorrow morning before work. 

TUESDAY-I text Stori this morning about picking me up at 1:45pm. Stori pick me up before 1:30pm. She had stuff to do before my eye appointment. They don't do drops first anymore. So I will do the laser surgery. Stori got Dec 4 for the surgery. Then Stori saw she couldn't take me on Dec 4. She will call tomorrow to reschedule my laser Surgery. Stori saw the tree limb at the trailer park. 

WEDNESDAY-I told my supervisor about my eye appointment and about Stori was reschedule the laser surgery. I will get the laser surgery on January 6at 1:40pm. i thank stori for getting the laser surgery appointment for me. Call my eye doctor office to tell him what day I was getting the surgery done.

THURSDAY-My garage was 84 inside of it last night before 9:30pm. I did sleep good last night. I didn't monday and tuesday night. I gas my car up today. My mail lady was in my driveway. When I was going to turn in my driveway. So i wait on W. longest st. so the mail lady could pull out of my driveway. the mail lady was here at 12PM. 

FRIDAY-since yesterday Paoli been on water boil advisory. There was 2 water main break. I did sleep good last night. The high was 97 in Paoli. If i cook with water on sunday and water boil advisory haven't been off. I will use bottle water to cook with. I got my laundry done by 4PM. i forgot to take my car keys out of the car today at work. I was looking for the keys when I was outside getting in the ca. I don't lock the car. I look in the tote bag they wasn't there. they was hang in the car.

until next time