Friday, January 10, 2025

My crazy week 1-4 to 1-10

SATURDAY-I forgot sausage patties when I was at Walmart. I put my laundry away. Dad came to show me a thing about the lady who delivery my dad 96 year age. Her name is Abbie Ann Jarvis.She became the first women licensed as physician in South Dakota in 1898. 

SUNDAY-The snow storm didn't start at 4AM. I went in the shower at 5:30AM no snow. By the time I was dress for the day. We had some snow. on the roads. I post on Facebook asking who clean driveways after the snow storm. The lady who own Green Acres lawn care comment they can do it. I pm her asking for Tuesday. IU basketball team win. I got a text saying my work is not open tomorrow (1-6) I had the day off anyhow because I was going to the eye doctor. 

MONDAY-The mail wasn't delivery today. Green Acres came about 4PM to clean the driveway and sidewalk. Stori call Friday to cancel my appointment at The Eye Center of Southern Indiana. The Center was on lunch when Stori call. The Center never call back. They wasn't open today because of the weather. Schools have snow day tomorrow. I'm off too. 

TUESDAY-Green Acres came back and clean the snow from the mailbox. Because I didn't think of the mailbox until late last night. I was happy I could get out. I got my W-2 Today so I pm Trisanna if 30 or 31 is the best.She said yes. I told her I will text her if I can't get to her office on the days. I order a Thank you card from  kohl's for Trisanna for doing my taxes. I don't have go into work tomorrow. Schools have snow day. 

WEDNESDAY-My mail lady didn't stop at my mailbox. She come back about 20 mins later . I received 2 books . The first book is My sister's keeper by Jodi Picoult, The second book is The House on P street by Peggy Chernow. I did take trash bad outside. But the town trash pick up start Monday route today. Because the roads was bad on Monday and Tuesday. 

THURSDAY-I watch President Jimmy Carter funeral . All 5 living presidents was there. I ask Green Acres Lawn care will do my driveway without me asking. They will plowing it without me asking. I text Stori and I email dad about Green  Acres Lawn care. Stori got stuff from Walmart for me, I had her pick up for things. 

FRIDAY-I went to sleep at 3AM I got up for the day at 7:30AM. GreenAcres will come after the storm. So they can plowing and salt it. I forgot about the mail until after 4PM and the driveway was cover with snow. I will get the mail later like Sunday I pick up the kitchen and livingroom today. All athletic events for Friday (1-10) and Saturday (1-11)  are CANCELLED.



Friday, January 3, 2025

My crazy week 12-28 to 1-3-25

 SATURDAY-Paoli High School basketball team lose they second game last night . They did win today. I ate 3 or 4 sugar cookies last night. I was dizzy 2 times after  I got back from Walmart. I got pain killer, ate applesauce and 2 eggs it help. I didn't feel great but the dizzy stop. Walmart have white bags. 

SUNDAY-President Jimmy Carter pass away today age of 100. I cook dinner at 3:30PM because IU basketball team had a game at 4PM, they won. 

MONDAY-A week I will be going to The eye Center of Southern Indiana for a appointment. I had work on my robot vacuum after work. Because it didn't vacuum. I work on the robot about 15mins. The weather man said there be 1-3" of snow Sunday and Monday. I look at Bloomington weather for 1-6.

TUESDAY-I text Stori at 4:50AM. About the weather on Monday. I ask her to make the appointment for another day. I didn't hear from Stori before 10AM I PM Stori. Stori text said she didn't have the number. So I call Stori after work. She talk me in keeping the appointment on Monday. Until we see how the roads are. 

WEDNESDAY-I went to bed at 2AM. I had a glass of wine after 12AM. I did two video one on Tik Tok and on Facebook with the wine I wish everyone a Happy New  Year. I did read today. What I saw about weather for Saturday night until. It don't look good. I did my yearly donated to National Inclusion Project for $300.00 this morning .

THURSDAY-I got done washing my hair in the shower. I was going to use my body wash. It hit me I put my body wash in my hair. I wash it out of my hair fast. Yesterday after I took trash outside. I was going to put A Thousand Different Ways CD in my car CD player. I didn't have it in the CD case in my car. So I put Invisible in the CD player. So last night I order A Thousand Different Ways on Amazon. It hit me as I was getting dress for the day this morning. I had  all Clay CD's in my computer office. So I cancel the order at Amazon. I will put $5.00 in myt National Inclusion Project jar for A Thousand Different Ways CD. I put $71.00 dollar bills in the bank today. Wayne Osmond died yesterday. 

FRIDAY-It Chad 17 birthday today. Stori will cancel my eye appointment for Monday. Because we getting more then 4 inches of snow and sleets from 4AM Sunday until 1PM Monday. The Police ask French Lick and Paoli schools to have a 2 hours delay. It because a guy shoot a police officer after 12AM and the guy is on the run. They haven't catch the guy yet.



Friday, December 27, 2024

My crazy week12/21 to 12/27

SATURDAY-It Trisanna birthday. IU football team didn't won last night. Paoli High School basketball team won last night. IU basketball team won today. I went to Walmart around 6:15AM. I look for a mimi waffle maker. They didn't have any waffle makers out. I forgot apples at Walmart. I received the safety sunglasses. 

SUNDAY-I couldn't sleep, my eyes open at 3:25AM. I was about to get online and off by 7:30AM. I was able to read. I'm not calling Carol about what time on Christmas Day. I'm not playing her games anymore. I wish I out Carol in front of June. 

MONDAY-It my great-niece Harper 11  birthday. I went to William Brother to get 2 bottles of refills. My water from the ice maker is not coming out. I did text Stori about it. I did order another pair of safety sunglasses. I can keep a pair in the car, then have the other pair in the house. So if I go with someone I have a pair of sunglasses  in the house. So I don't have to go in my car to get them.

TUESDAY-I made pancakes. I haven't heard from Carol. I'm not text or calling her. Carol block me since september. She will not let Mike look at her phone. That show me she block me. I text her last year She said it was up to Stori and  Michael for the time for  Christmas. I haven't ate the popcorn Carol and Mike sent me. I guess it my Christmas gift from them. My eye open at 5:08AM. I forgot to turn off my Christmas tree lights last night. I did text Carol I know she will not text about tomorrow. 

WEDNESDAY-I went to Carol's at 9:15AM . I got clothes, gift cards and other stuff for Christmas. I come home from Carol around 5PM. Because I forgot I had to put trash bags outside for the trash truck to put them up tomorrow. I had to Dad rent check in the mail. Because I forgot to take it to Carol's

THURSDAY-I didn't sleep good last night. I ate something at Carol that didn't let me sleep good. It feel funny going to work. When I been off since Dec 20.  Two order of my from Tik Tok come today. The trash truck didn't came today. 

FRIDAY-This morning wasn't bad getting up for work. The trash truck was here before I got home from work. My safety sunglasses came today. I didn't know Paoli High School basketball team had a game before 12PM, I miss it. I'm not miss the second game , I had the radio on. 



Friday, December 20, 2024

My crazy week 12-14 to 12-20

SATURDAY-I went to walmart before 6:30AM. I got home at 7AM. But it took me longer with the drive safe and save app. State Farm move Drive Save and Safe to State Farm main app.  Paoli High School basketball team won last night. IU basketball team lose last night. 

SUNDAY-I got up for the day at 6AM. First time I slept pass 5:30AM. I clean up my computer desk. I got my banking stuff  together for tomorrow after work. I got a Walmart pick up order for Tuesday. The book I been reading. I put it down on Nov 26 and didn't pick it up  until today. 

MONDAY-I went to sleep before 11PM last night. My eyes open at 12:16AM. I couldn't fall back to sleep until after 1:30AM. I got up at 5:14AM for the day. I'm reading The Guncle by Steven Rowley. It rain off and on all day. I didn't go to the bank after work, because the rain was bad. 

TUESDAY-A Claymate pm me at Clayversity yesterday. About a sweatshirt she got me at a concert sign by Ruben and Clay. But it didn't come today. But I received the Christmas ornament sign by Clay Aiken. I ask to take Friday off. Because only a hand full of people be at the workshop. Santa Claus was at the workshop today. 

WEDNESDAY-My mail lady have the package from the Claymate. I fill out a paper to take Friday off. The eye doctor office call to see if I can make the appointment Tomorrow. The package didn't come today mail. I have to wait 5:50PM to see if it show up tonight. 

THURSDAY-My supervisor will not be at work next Thursday and Friday. I went to my doctor. Everything I read online is wrong. I ask if the 6th was the surgery or not. My doctor told me to call. So right after I walk in the house. I call The Eye Center of Southern of Indiana. The lady look it up. I'm seeing the doctor on the 6th. I'm happy I didn't fill out the attendance paper for the week. Mike text me to see if there a package at my door. I look there was box. Carol and Mike send send me popcorn from Harry and David.  I don't know if I can eat it, because food can make me dizzy. There 3 differet kind of popcorn. 

FRIDAY-I got up at  5:20am. Shower and dress.  I did laundry I was done with the laundry at 8AM. I clean up the kitchen before breakfast. Because I didn't go to work today so I did put stuff away before bed last night. I clean out my email on my home computer I try to read the new book but I slept. I watch Clay Aiken on GMA3. My printer stop working for about 15 mins last night. 



Friday, December 13, 2024

My crazy week 12-7 to 12-13

SATURDAY-IU basketball team and Paoli High School basketball team won last night. Then 11:08PM I got dizzy on the couch. I think I had to much sugar. It took me about an hour to get in to bed, because everytime I open my eyes or move I was dizzy. I'm happy it didn't happen at work. I was sick to my stomach today. I couldn't do what I need to clean.

SUNDAY-I did sleep pass 5 AM. I did made pancakes . I was able to clean the house today. I pm Claymate friend to tell her. I would mail the CD on Thursday. 

MONDAY-I was able to get a refill at 6:16AM, 0nline and pick up it after work. I will be doing that now on. It didn't rain before I went home from work. So I turn my computer on , had lunch. Then went on my print shop. To print out a claymate friend address. So I can mail Clay Aiken Christmas CD to her. I call the lady who cut my hair.She can get me in at 4PM today. It took able 20 mins before I could park by the post office. Then I had to park by the court house and walk across the road to get my hair cut.

TUESDAY-IU won last night. Everyone like my IU microplush christmas tree skirt. It stat raining before 10AM. My 2 Clay Aiken christmas CD from amazon came yesterday.I'm waiting 2 Clay CD's from Walmart. 

WEDNESDAY-Last night the lady who clean the house text Jamey. She want to clean the house tomorrow. I sleep pass 4:30AM. I was feeling good until I got to work. It went down. I gas up my car. I had to come home and get $10.00 first. I pickup around the house tonight. 

THURSDAY-Today was Holiday pajamas at work. Work was better then yesterday. I received the 2 Clay Aiken Christmas CD's from Walmart. I post on Clayversity  to see if anyone need a CD for $5.00. 

FRIDAY-I thought a lady was buying a Clay Christmas CD from me last night. She wouldn't send cash.I don't think she was a real fan. Because she didn't know about National Inclusion Project. I only slept 3 hours last night. I have 1 more wee of work. Then I have 3 days of Christmas vacation. 



Friday, December 6, 2024

My crazy week 11-30 to 12-6

 SATURDAY-It Clay Aiken Birthday. No one in my family call and said we will help you up and down the steps at the restaurant. That mean they didn't  want me there.  I  couldn't bye to Matthew. Stori and Owen move all the stuff to one wall that Christopher try to put together yesterday. So the lady can mop the guest bedroom on 12-18. It start snow shower after  4PM. I did received my electric blanket. 

SUNDAY-I sleep alot today. IU won the Purdue VS IU football game last night 66-0. I sweep the guest bedroom  today. I made a Walmart pick up order for  tuesday. I don't think I will see the other 8 CD's of Clay Aiken  Christmas music. 

MONDAY-A guy pull in my driveway at 7AM come to my door looking for a guy. . Clay Aiken Christmas CD from Barnes and Noble come today. The other CD is coming on Wednesday. My signed CD's from Clay was mail to me from Durham NC on 11-26 at 3:26PM, but it is in Indianapolis since 2:39AM today I call JJ for a haircut. She is  not in this week.  Barry Manilow to hold  lifetime residency at Westgate Las Vegas.       

TUESDAY-I made it to  work. Because it snow shower last night and it stay on the roads. Schools was 2 hours  delay today. The CD's from Clay didn't  come today. I got my walmart pick up order. They was busy There was 4 cars before me. 

WEDNESDAY-I got one of sign Clay Christmas CD. I have to wait on the second CD from Clay . Because he run of CD's. I received my secord CD from Barnes and Noble today. IU win last night 95 to 71.

THURSDAY-It was 19 outside when I went to work. I put Clay Aiken sign CD in a sandwich bag. Then put it in my purse so I have  the CD with me 24 hours a day. I think I have 5 more CD top come.

FRIDAY-I was doing good at work by 9:05AM, everything went down . Tonight I will watch IU basketball team on TV with no sound and I will listen to Paoli High School basketball team on the   radio at the sametime in the living room. I got my laundry done by 2:40PM. My shirts and my  blue jeans are hanging up to dry.



Friday, November 29, 2024

My crazy week 11-23-11-29


sunday-i RECEIVED EMAIL FROM usps telling me the package from talkshoplive it in indianapolis. I have 84 pages to go in the book I'm reading. I received another email from barnes& noble about the other CD it going to ups. I got my banking stuff together saturday night form monday. 

MONDAY-Clay Aiken Christmas CD didn't get to Paoli post office until 11:16AM. I will received it tomorrow. Hoosier upland giving $75.00 to my town of Paoli bill. The mail lady didn't come until after 2:30PM I did pay my town of Paoli online today. 

TUESDAY-I had a Clay Aiken Christmas CD in my hand by 2:35PM. I should received a electric blanket tomorrow, I received shipped tracking number from Walmart for Clay Aiken Christmas CD's. 

WEDNESDAY-The order of Clay Aiken Christmas CD's from Barnes and Noble will be here on 11-29 not 12-2. I may have sold a Clay Christmas CD this morning to a fan that don't have $22.00 for a CD but she will give me $2.00 or $5.00 for the CD. IU basketball team lose to Louisville it was 61 to 89. Walmart order of Clay  Aiken Christmas CD's update track to Dec 13 from Dec 16. The blanket came but it not a electric blanket. So I order a  electric blanket on amazon. it should be here on Sunday. 

THURDAY-I made a Thanksgiving Tik Tok video before I went to Stori. There was 25 total of family members and Parker girlfriend and a friend of the Sullivan. I had over600 views of my Tik tok video before bed. 

FRIDAY-Everyone went to bowling. Matthew and Lyndsay came to see the house. Christopher came to try to put the bed together he couldn't. I don't think I will go for breakfast I can't get in the restaurant the steps are hard for me. It just hit me the lady who clean. Can't clean my office or my guest bedroom.