SATURDAY-I use Ibotta app today I made $2.50. My account on USPS said I didn't have any mail for today last night. But I received a email from USPS saying I had mail but couldn't show the picture of it. I went out to my mailbox 2 times no mail. Found out last night the Town of Paoli bill was mail and everyone received they on 7/24. I didn't received USPS email about my Town of Paoli bill. I will go to they office on Monday after 12:15pm because they get back from lunch then.
SUNDAY-I put a envelope in my mailbox and put up my flag up for tomorrow maillday. I check my account at USPS they have I had a piece of mail yesterday or this morning. Parker didn't come this weekend to paint for me. I got my bank stuff together. A lady at Clayversity ask for my new address on 7/2 . I haven't heard from her again. I thought she was mailing a card for the new house no.
MONDAY-I received my Town of Paoli Utility bill today. Last Day of July. Parker was feeling good. over the weekend. JcPenny text about my order, they will have it her tomorrow.
TUESDAY-I was doing the happy dance in the car at 7:39AM Because they move the trailer out of the trailer park. So I was doing the happy dance all day at work. The landlord lost. If she brought my trailer she would have $650.00 a month. I didn't received the Orleans newspaper Today. A lady came to tell me she love my house. I let her in, she love everything. She told me her husband use to work with my dad. USP put my order from JcPenny in my mailbox.
WEDNESDAY-I received my new checks with the right phone number on them. I paper shedder the checks that had my new address but the wrong phone number. I shedder my saving account with my old address. Because I have my new address on my saving account.
THURSDAY-The kids went back to school today. I was hopping to beat the school bus, NO. I had to stop by the trailer park mailbox turn in. There about 3 school buses pass my house.
FRIDAY-I took a laundry bag to work to see if it work in the laundry basket, It didn't work. So I come with it. Yesterday I start sitting outside waiting on the school buses to mass my house. Christy can drive to church in Paoli without Carol. But can't drive drive in town. I'm sick of Carol have to show up everytime. I wouldn't take anyone out to Carol her house hurt everyone 100% of the time. That why Christy boys can't eat with my parents without Carol. Carol told Christopher about 10 years ago he can't eat anyplace but her house. Because he was staying there. My mom call me the next day was upset from the day before because she couldn't have lunch at her house ( her Grandson Christopher) Christopher haven't been to his grandparent Brand house for about 20 years since college sit and talk for hours by his self.
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