Friday, September 1, 2023

My crazy week 8/26 to 9/1

 SATURDAY-I went to Walmart at 6:30AM. It rain last night. I didn't hear the rain. I use Ibotta app. I only made $0.50. I need $9.80 to get $20.00. I received my Billy footwear boots come today. 

SUNDAY-I change my pay bills day from Thursdays 5:25PM to Sunday 10:25AM. I did make a check out to Town of Paoli. I got my banking stuff together for monday. Stori and Jamey had a picture with Parker on Facebook. Talking about the last time taking him up to Goshen.

MONDAY-I took my Billy footwear boots to work. To show everyone how they work. The washer at work dead today. So I have to use the front loader start tomorrow. My energy Assistance program papers came today. from Hoosier Upland. I will fill them out over the weekend. 

TUESDAY-I got up at 4:55AM for the day. The house was 73 inside at 4:55AM. After work I call Stori. She should come tomorrow around 4:30PM. The lady who part of the mowing crew that mow my grass. Came yesterday around 4PM for me to pay for 3 days $150.00. Wish I could gt hold of 2 ladys who was working at electriCom They name is Linda Rutherford and Susan Jackson-Jones. I love to have them see the house. 

WEDNESDAY-The new use washer and dryer is in the laundry room at work. I thought old co-worker was showing up today to see the house. But she didn't come.

THURSDAY-Stori put the curtains in the front bedroom yesterday. Stori put a hook on my front door. Stori put a hook in the garage for my rain coat yesterday. I fill my shampoo bottle this morning before work. I start dancing in the front bedroom in the morning before work. I feel safe tonight now. Because Carol and Mike put rod and curtain in my bedroom. When I wasn't home didn't ask if was ok, to be in my home. Because They hook to rod up WRONG. Every night I pull the curtain over the window, the rod would move more over my headboard. I was feeling the rod would fall down and hit my head. It was that way from 5/18 until Stori fix it yesterday.

FRIDAY-I wake up at 5:39AM 1 mins before my alarm went off. So I was out of bed  before 5:40AM. Next Thursday I will pm my Claymate friend about when I send a check to her. For her to take with her to the 20th National Inclusion project  party on 10/7.



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