Friday, November 3, 2023

My crazy week 10/28 to 11/3

SATURDAY-I had a mess with the laundry soap last night. I was late getting stuff together for Walmart for today. Because I didn't get stuff together for Walmart last night. I did use Ibotta app but I only made $1.00 I look in basket for a new notepad. Found Clay Aiken notepad from his 2011 fan club. I got 18 hanger. 

SUNDAY-I slept pass 6:30AM. I got up at 7:30AM for the day. Christy and Carol text me about Barry Manilow being on CBS Sunday show. My second Thanksgiving Wreath came today. 

MONDAY-My furnace was on when I come out of the shower. My first Thanksgiving wreath came today. Dad came with his old business partner to have me show the house to him. Stori came she couldn't fix my Ice maker.  I went with her when she pick up her grocery from Walmart I wrote down what I need to do after parking.

TUESDAY-I fill my shampoo bottle and my hand soap bottle for November. Jon who build my house with his family came with Stori and Jamey for Halloween. Jon look around the house. I had kids but I didn't have candy for them. So Lyzah gave some of hers Halloween gum away. I forgot I had the outside lights on. 

WEDNESDAY-I put the Thanksgiving Wreath on the door before I went to work. I been taking a nap with the electric blanket on. I sleep about an hour on the couch. I didn't take naps in the summer. Bobby Knight dead today at 83. He was Indiana University men basketball coach for 29 years.

THURSDAY-It my cousin Cindy Birthday.I give a co-worker my claymate friend mail address. So she can send a postcard from her state. I received Henry Winkler book. 

FRIDAY- Jamey Birthday is today. Jamey is in the 50's club now. I vote from home last night. Carol text me last night about the house fire from yesterday morning. All Orange county fire truck was there. The police block off the road going to 4-H and to the house yesterday. The fire start before 5:30AM. The house is gone but the family is ok. There was a problem in the men bathroom at work today. They couldn't fix it today.



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