Friday, April 19, 2024

My crazy week 4/13 to 4/19

SATURDAY-I forgot my grocery list at home. I pay for my grocery. Then I saw the eggs by my purse. I pay the eggs by they self. I told Christy and Carol to look up a person and get back to me. They never got back to me. I can't wait for Clay have more news. 

SUNDAY-I use Mrs. Meyer's on my countertops. It smell like lemon. I don't think I will use Pine-Sol on countertops but on my stove. Before 11:30AM it 84 outside. I think I will get stuff together for the bank.

MONDAY-I didn't sleep good last night. I only slept for an hour and 54 mins. I was so tired I couldn't keep eyes open as I was delete my email. I sat down on the couch to take a nap at 1:30PM. My eyes open at 3:41PM. I miss sitting outside waiting for the school buses pass my house. I did make it to the bank. The website I was waiting to be online. It didn't today.

TUESDAY-It was crazy at work before 9AM. I did sleep all night last night. I did sleep 5 hours. I wrote something in Claymates on Facebook. Because some fans don't understand why Clay asking us to do it. I can't do all 7 things. I will order 2 CD's I will try next to get my old vacuum trash next year. 

WEDNESDAY-Stori and Jamey was here to take a big box and the vacuum outside for me at 8PM last night. It been 11 months since I move in the house. I was able to get on the website I been waiting for it to go live. The trash truck didn't show up until sometime after 2PM

THURSDAY-I had a good day at work. I received a email  from USPS. My mail lady pull in my driveway then just turn around and drive out. I found pictures of the sisters in the book I'm reading. I didn't think the sisters was real peoples. There 4 pages of the sisters pictures in the book from 1930 to 2020.

FRIDAY-I went outside after the 6:30PM news yesterday to read. I stay outside for an hour. Because the wind start blowing. We was in a thunderstorm until 12AM. The lighting was crazy last night. My fitbit app stop working. I delete it 2 time at work, it didn't work. After I had lunch at home. I delete it again it help. I think It need my WI-FI



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