SATURDAY-I went to walmart before 6:30AM. I got home at 7AM. But it took me longer with the drive safe and save app. State Farm move Drive Save and Safe to State Farm main app. Paoli High School basketball team won last night. IU basketball team lose last night.
SUNDAY-I got up for the day at 6AM. First time I slept pass 5:30AM. I clean up my computer desk. I got my banking stuff together for tomorrow after work. I got a Walmart pick up order for Tuesday. The book I been reading. I put it down on Nov 26 and didn't pick it up until today.
MONDAY-I went to sleep before 11PM last night. My eyes open at 12:16AM. I couldn't fall back to sleep until after 1:30AM. I got up at 5:14AM for the day. I'm reading The Guncle by Steven Rowley. It rain off and on all day. I didn't go to the bank after work, because the rain was bad.
TUESDAY-A Claymate pm me at Clayversity yesterday. About a sweatshirt she got me at a concert sign by Ruben and Clay. But it didn't come today. But I received the Christmas ornament sign by Clay Aiken. I ask to take Friday off. Because only a hand full of people be at the workshop. Santa Claus was at the workshop today.
WEDNESDAY-My mail lady have the package from the Claymate. I fill out a paper to take Friday off. The eye doctor office call to see if I can make the appointment Tomorrow. The package didn't come today mail. I have to wait 5:50PM to see if it show up tonight.
THURSDAY-My supervisor will not be at work next Thursday and Friday. I went to my doctor. Everything I read online is wrong. I ask if the 6th was the surgery or not. My doctor told me to call. So right after I walk in the house. I call The Eye Center of Southern of Indiana. The lady look it up. I'm seeing the doctor on the 6th. I'm happy I didn't fill out the attendance paper for the week. Mike text me to see if there a package at my door. I look there was box. Carol and Mike send send me popcorn from Harry and David. I don't know if I can eat it, because food can make me dizzy. There 3 differet kind of popcorn.
FRIDAY-I got up at 5:20am. Shower and dress. I did laundry I was done with the laundry at 8AM. I clean up the kitchen before breakfast. Because I didn't go to work today so I did put stuff away before bed last night. I clean out my email on my home computer I try to read the new book but I slept. I watch Clay Aiken on GMA3. My printer stop working for about 15 mins last night.
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