Sunday, November 13, 2011

My week 11/6 to 11/12/11

Sunday-I wake up at 4:15AM. I change my computer room clocks, and bedroom clocks. Then wrote my weekly blog at my website. Then wrote my weekly blog at Clay Aiken Fan Club. I put away laundry and wash towels.

Monday-. The water from the washer at work didn't go down the sink after the 3rd load. I took the car out to Stori's to show her the car. Stori show me how to work the CD player in the car. I played Clay Aiken Christmas CD on the way home.

Tuesday-I had 8 loads of laundry at work. . When I try to be nice to a person. I get called the B-word. from the person.

Wednesday-I drove to work, by the time I park the car my oil light was on. At 8AM I call my parents Mom answer. I told her to tell Dad about the oil light, and I would read the book call them back I read the book for the oil light. The book said change the oil. Dad said no, Babcock need to look at it. Dad come about 4:25pm about the oil light. Dad try to reset the oil light but couldn't.

Thursday-Stori and the boys came for lunch. I did my laundry for the week. Dad and I took the car back to Babcock to have them fix the oil light for me. It took about 10 mins. Stori thinking about having a Birthday party  for Parker Tomorrow night.   
Friday-It Carol Birthday. The low this morning was 24. I turn on the car before I went to work at 7:55AM. I got back in the car at 8:10AM and saw that the tire light was. I call my parents about the tire light.. Went to Stori's at 5:15PM for Parker Birthday Party. After I got home I put my laundry away.

Saturday-I clean the kitchen and bathroom up. Dad air up my tires for me. Livia received Girl Life magazine. I order for her in October. It part of her's Christmas gift from me. I got my new Insurance cards for my new car. I have to pay $83.96 more for the Insurance for the car.


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