Friday, March 2, 2018

My week 2/24 to 3/2

SATURDAY-Wash my towels and my sheets from my bed. I went to get my mail and put my rent check in the out going mailbox. The TV cable went out around 4:30PM and didn't came up until around 8:30PM.
 SUNDAY-The cable went out again at 10:30PM last night. We was in floods, French Lick is close. The road to Louisville, KY was close.
MONDAY-I saw Stori's Aunt and a cousin at Walmart and I saw Mom in the parking lot at the bank. We talk for about 5 mins. 
TUESDAY-I had 6 load of laundry. So I got done at 10:30AM again. I got Thin Mints 2 boxes. I ate one box of thin mins Today. The guy who take care of Paoli Talk group took all the bad post of the First grader Transgender off. 
 WEDNESDAY-I was able to mop with the blue pads, I did it good. I ate the other box of thin mints cookies.
THURSDAY-It Michael Birthday. He is 38 year old. I got all my laundry done by 2:30PM. 
 FRIDAY-I had put towels from the washer to the dryer at work because the staff put the towels late yesterday. I put my small tax check in the bank. I only got junk mail Today. 

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