Friday, April 26, 2024

My crazy week 4/20 to 4/26

 SATURDAY-My Iphone didn't work in Walmart they WI-FI was on my phone, no apps would work. But when I got home my WI-FI work with my phone great. The 8 10 inch non-skid lazy Susan Organizer -turntable from amazon come today. I put 4 lazy susan turntables in the pantry. Then I put the other 4 lazy susan turntables under my kitchen sink. I had my wine tonight. 

SUNDAY-My Facebook game Bejeweled Blitz start not loading around 11:30PM last night. I organizer the shelves in my store in my garage. My cousin pm me a picture of her hair. 

MONDAY-I didn't sleep good last night. My bedroom TV picture freeze last night, it had a circle going around. I turn off the TV 3 times. Then the Circle was off but the picture freeze. I change the channel. Then turn back to hallmark and the TV was working. I turn the sleep timer for 90 mins. I went to sleep. I order a box of scrub Daddy and Mommy stuff from Tik Tok Today.

TUESDAY-I can't use google chrome browser on my home computer. It will not let me go any place. The browser come with the computer work but not great. The computer is about 5 year old. I can't use my print shop anymore it will not come up. Last night I was looking at my weekly blog . 21 people read the week of 3/23 to 3/29. 

WEDNESDAY-At 7:11AM there was a U-haul by the trailer. That is by my house. I wonder if they moving out. My REMC fiber went out for about 5 mins before 1PM. I pay my Town of Paoli bill and put it back in my mailbox. I pay my Capital one bill online. They will take the money on the 6th.

THURSDAY-My google chrome browner start working again yesterday. My Print Shop working again yesterday. My orders from Land Ends and QVC come today. The order from TikTok shop come today, it was Scrub Daddy all star sponge kit. I got dizzy before 9:30PM last night. I ate about 20 hand full of salted  nut to slow  the dizzy down. I was about to walk. If I move my head I may get dizzy.

FRIDAY-I had a easy day at work. A lady in Paoli need a new home. I try to keep her from Shady Village Trailer park. She think she can put another lock on the inside door of a trailer. If she put another lock on a trailer in Shady Village Trailer park. The landlord would kick her out before she can say I'm sorry. The book I'm reading the two sisters in they 3th prison camp. 



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