Friday, May 17, 2024

My crazy week 5/11 to 5/17

SATURDAY-After 12AM this morning, I turn off my living room TV. Then I was trying to get on Clayversity on my iphone and couldn't. I pm a Claymate friend. She could get on Clayversity. I turn on my bedroom TV no picture. No picture in the living room TV now. I had the internet on my home computer. So I post on Facebook to see if anyone have same trouble. People was having the same trouble. The REMC fibe was out on the TV and my app on my phone wasn't working too. The TV came back up after 3AM.  I didn't use Ibotta app today. 

SUNDAY-Carol text she taking mom to Moo steakhouse at 4:30PM. I'm didn't go. I didn't talk to my mom today. Because if I call she will tell  me, I'm making her miss her TV show. She care more for hers shows then me.  That why I stop calling her. I comment on Whoopi Goldberg page on hers post about her book. I told her I order a signed book from Barnes and Noble. The book wasn't signed. Whoopi ask me  to send a private message. She ask me for a membership ID card. I don't have one. Melissa Sue Anderson have a book name The Way I See It on Amazon for $78.95.

MONDAY-I didn't sleep good last night. It like every Sunday night I can't sleep. I had to look for the robot vacuum I thought it was in my bathroom no. I got on the floor to look under my bed no. So I call Stori. She was heading to Louisville for Ian appointment. I went back in my bathroom as I was talking to Stori. It was on the left  side of the toilet. I carry it back to the dock. Carol came as I was sitting outside. Malcolm came from the car with a peanut butter, banana shake. So the shake was my dinner. 

TUESDAY-I found out something, that took longer then I thought it would take. It rain from 9AM to 11AM. It didn't rain when I went home. I didn't sit outside today it was about 69 for the outside temp. A wheel on my cart at work came off. A lady put it back. I don't think it will stay on long. I will gas the car up tomorrow if it not raining. when I get out of work. 

WEDNESDAY-I was going to gas up my car after work. When I walk outside it was raining so I put my hoodie on. At 1:20PM. I went to the gas station. I put $10.00 in the car. It full the car. Owen was diagnosed with a rectus femoris avulsion fracture. I'm on the last page of this Journal. I start in this journal on 9/8/23. Green Acres lawn care will mow tomorrow.

THURSDAY-The was day good. When read to go I got dizzy. I ate salted cashews and gatorade. They had me sit. I was able to walk to me car. I was able to drive to Walmart to get my pickup order Dive home, when I was backing my car in the turn around. I turn to look at the mailbox. I got little dizzy  It like it wasn't done making me dizzy. So I back my car in the garage Got my grocery out of the car.I had lunch and took my BP pill. But it took some time get the dizzy stop. I couldn't take a nap. I close my eye feel dizzy. It took about 3 hours for the dizzy to stop. I did text Stori about the dizzy. Tomorrow is the big day. I'm writing in a new journal. 

FRIDAY-Today was the last day of school in Paoli. I will sit outside this summer. Starting August 7 school will start again. Owen graduation from 6th grade today. So Chad, Ian and Owen will be in the same building in August. Today is my  first year anniversary living in my house.



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