Friday, July 19, 2024

My crazy week 7/13 to 7/19

 SATURDAY-I was feeling great last night. Until Carol text me. She wouldn't give me the two wheel wagon, because I wouldn't tell her what I was going to do with it, she keeping it. Everyone think I'm the one who start the fights. I didn't text first. I wasn't going to talk to her until Sunday. I told her I been saying sorry to people in Paoli since Livia was in 7 grade. Because she act like a__h___at the high  school. I use the Ibotta app today. I made $4.50. Trump was taking off the stage at the rally. Because there was a shooter. One by stand confirmed dead. 

SUNDAY-Yesterday I saw that Richard Simmon dead and Dr. Ruth Westheimer dead on Friday. Then this morning there was news that Shannen Doherty dead yesterday. I didn't do that much, I didn't read. I did clean my computer desk off. I look in last year journal to see when my trailer was move out of the trailer park. I think they move it on July 31, 2023. 

MONDAY-I don't understand why I can't sleep before 11:30 PM on Sunday night. Someone cut the over grow weeds at my neighbor. Carol use my guest bathroom , Lyzah and Malcolm was with Carol. I went to the dentist office at 1:07 PM to pay my bill. My luck I will get in trouble with my mom for what Carol is doing on Wednesday.

TUESDAY-Yesterday morning and this morning the temperature in my house was 72 at 6AM. I'm right about something. Call Carol to check on something she didn't pick the phone. I ask her to call me back she never did. 

WEDNESDAY-When I call Carol it went right to voicemail again. Then she show me I didn't call. I had call about 4 times in 30 mins. My cousin June is in town until Monday. We went to Green Acres Golf course for dinner. I had ribeye steak and bake potato. I was home by 6:44PM I guess Carol think I sit for 4 hours. I work my butt off everyday. A deer walk across the road in front of my house. 

THURSDAY-Christopher ask me to stop talking about old stuff. He need to sit Carol down and tell her to stop talking about  stuff 4 year ago. Carol think it ok that I had to pay 2 time more on my car Insurance. Because Carol move my drive , safe and save. I was only driving my 3 days a week then. My bill should been $175.00 it was $350.00 I lost 5 days of mile, because of Carol. She lie about who wash the car. The car dealer wasn't happy she put them in a lie. Mike ask me a month before he could wash it I said yes. Carol think it ok to lie to me. They just said we wash the car  it would been ok. I don't like people who lie to me. Mom wasn't happy with Carol. Because Carol didn't tell her about June coming yesterday. June saw my house today.

FRIDAY-I had feeling yesterday  what would happen today, and it did happen today. I was thinking today was payday, it next Friday. We went to the West Baden Spring Hotel for dinner. Parker is a server at one of the restaurant i the hotel. He service ours food. He service my food and I order the doom cake again. We went to the golf Course on the hill in West Baden. 



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