Friday, July 26, 2024

My crazy week 7/20 to 7/26

SATURDAY-Walmart don't have 12 pack of Pure Life bottle of water. We can't order 12 pack by pick up. Carol, Christy, June and I went to Stori pool. I came home to took my med. Then went to Carol's for dinner. 

SUNDAY-President Biden drop out of the race for President. We went out for Breakfast. Then Christy went home. VP Harris is racing for President. I didn't read this weekend. 

MONDAY-I did received the cordless leaf blower. I text a picture to Parker of the boxes, I need him to take with the old leaf blower. I try to catch up in the Journal, but I didn't .

TUESDAY-I misunderstood something at work. Parker didn't come today, to get the boxes and the older leaf blower. He will come tomorrow. I received my hanes order today. I did sleep good last night. 

WEDNESDAY-Today was a sad. Because Kevin that went to the workshop day service pass away last night. I hope you are with Sandy now Kevin. You will be miss. I received 4 package today. The workshop got told about Kevin at 9 AM. I got told about kevin before 8 AM. By 9 AM I was crying about Kevin. Parker didn't came to get my old leaf blower. 

THURSDAY-A classmate of my dead Sunday night I think. So I lose 2 person in 2 days. I pay my Town of Paoli bill and Capital One bill online today. My paycheck will increased $.30 more. I hope I can post my blog tomorrow. I have a bad feeling that my power will not come back on after the planned power outage. For Duke and IMPA upgrading their system. It start at 11:59PM for 4 to 6 hours.

FRIDAY-I found the funeral home Kevin is at last night online. His funeral is tomorrow afternoon at 2PM in French Lick Indiana. At 9PM last night I park my car outside of the garage. The power went out at 12:02AM. I stay up for about 2 hours. Then at 5:10AM the power come back on. 2 more books come today.

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