Friday, August 16, 2024

My crazy week 8/10 to 8/16

SATURDAY-I got home from Walmart before 7AM from getting grocery for the week. I did use the Ibotta app. I made $5.10 from Ibotta. The total was $24.80. So I could withdraw $20.00 from Ibotta. The $20.00 will go in my checking. From March 2020 to Today 8/10/24 I made $444.80 from Ibotta. I received Verizon and Orange County REMC fiber bills today. I have my Iphone Verizon bill will be paid next Sunday. I will pay my Orange County REMC fiber bill next Saturday or Sunday.

SUNDAY-Around 12AM last night. A deer was eating the stuff between the trailers and my house. I didn't turn on the lights by my front door. Then the deer walk up to my flowers in front my porch. A car pass my house, my garage lights come on and the deer runoff. I change stuff around in the laundry room. Like the dryer sheet boxes and my towels.

MONDAY-The mowing crew was here before 2PM. I went to my eye doctor at 2:45PM. My Anthem Medicare paid my doctor appointment and glasses frame and lens. I have a problem with my left eye. I have to take a test on Aug 27 to see how bad my good eye is. I may use drop or Surgery. 

TUESDAY-I text Stori at 7:04 AM to see if I call at 12PM. I told her I NEED to talk to her. I call her at 1 PM. I told her what I thought my eye problem was. Stori said it was what my mom have. So I told her I need her to keep her phone on, on Aug 27. So if I need to go out of town for my eye. I will have her make the appointment. 

WEDNESDAY-My B sign with 890 was on the wall under the garage light was on the ground when I went to the mailbox. I text Stori about the sign. I was thinking my bedroom furniture is 25 year old this month. I put my B sign in the garage until Stori and I can put it up again. 

THURSDAY-I got to bed before 12AM. Then my eyes open at 1:26AM. I watch reels on facebook and Tik Tok. I put my iphone down at 2:30AM. I don't know what time I went back to sleep. I was driving home from work. I was passing the trailer park. I saw the tree that was by my trailer bedroom window. There was a big tree limb hanging down where my trailer bedroom window would been I don't think I would be here if I was in the trailer when the limb come down. Stori think the days will be Wednesday and Thursday, she will  work at Throop Elementary.

FRIDAY-Barry Manilow cancel his concert last night. He have Covid at 81 year old. He will do the concert on Aug 30. I went to bed before 11:30PM.  My eyes open at 12:24AM I just lay on my right side close my eyes. I was at work about 5 to mins after I got there The rain come down bad. By 9AM sun was out. There was 2 police cars pass the house before 7AM this morning. I think someone don't know me that much. Because I only talk to about 3 peoples when I'm working. 



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