Friday, September 27, 2024

My crazy week 9-21 to 9-27

 SATURDAY-My eye open at 5:28AM. So I got up for the day. I didn't have a good grocery list today. Paoli High School football team won last night. Then IU football team won today. I didn't go to my mailbox yesterday. So I went to check my mailbox. My Ballot to vote for Nov 5 was in my mailbox. I will fill it out in Oct. I had  to put new battery's in the pumpkin last night. I donate $700.00 to National Project at 6:45PM the start of the dinner. 

SUNDAY-I didn't read this weekend. I got my banking stuff together for tomorrow. Carol call about our Roger coming. I told her I was busy and I'm this week. I love the new TV show Matlock.

MONDAY-I went to the bank after work. I made up my mind about how many days I' taking off for my laser surgery in January 6. My new safety glasses came today. The mowing crew mow in the rain. I pay my credit I couldn't login on my PC on Capital One. Mom didn't call back about dinner. 

TUESDAY-It didn't rain after I got to work. So I come home got $10.00 and went to gas the car up. I'm doing what Carol told me when our cousin June was here. Carol didn't let me out of my car at the Green Acres Golf Course parking lot. She told me that other persons stuff is over my, and my dad nieces and nephews are here for dad not for me. I'm doing it. My cousin Roger don't need to see me or MY house. Because he here for Dad. A lady was sitting in her truck next to me in the Green Acres parking lot. The lady heard everything Carol said. I'm hoping she video Carol and put it on facebook. Then more people know how rude Carol is to me. When no one is around us. My luck Carol will tell me my glaucoma is no big deal  then Roger seeing dad then me. If I let Carol in the house she will start a fight she do it everytime. 

WEDNESDAY-I was feeling good until dad come I couldn't hold my pill bottle That how bad Dad got me upset I couldn't hold anything. Dad think Carol have the right to start fighting with me in front of our Great-nieces. I wish I told the lady to have her whole family call the police on Carol in 2015. But I didn't I said my sorry for Carol  acting. I been saying sorry for Carol acting since Livia was in 7 grade.  My parents will never hear me out. If Carol went to jail in 2015. Dad may listen to me in 2015. I wish there was Cameras in the square on street lights 10 year ago. Carol would been in trouble with the police hit into park car to make me sick. Dad didn't ask about the glaucoma I have. He just went off on me. I need to take a test. But dad will stand up for Carol if she go to jail. He never stand up for me. That why I stay away, because I'm sick of name calling, lies , black and blue mark from Carol. 

THURSDAY-I will never feel safe in the house with Carol or Dad, after what he did yesterday. I wish I know if the ER had cameras in the hallway in 2008. My cousin came without Carol to see my house. I was able to talk without anyone cutting me off. I couldn't sleep last night because of Dad and the laser surgery. I only sleep 2 hours last night. 

FRIDAY-It's Shaun Cassidy Birthday. It rain all day. It was raining when I walk in the living room at 6:05AM. I didn't check my mailbox today because the USPS mobile app said no mail. I know I will never feel safe in my family(Dad, Mom, Christy and Carol)again. The wind is bad. I had to move the pumpkin back by the living room window last night. 



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