Sunday, December 18, 2011

My week 12/11 to 12/17/11

Sunday-I went to bed at 1:20AM and it was 18 outside. When I got up for the dayit was 18 outside. Stori received the cookies from Raynell (MOButtercup). Raynell had the cookies in three cutes Christmas tins. Put half of my laundry away.

Monday- had 5 loads of laundry Today at work. Barry Manilow had surgery for bursitis in his hipsand to repair torn leg muscles. Barry said That what you get when you jump around to " Copacabana" for 30 years! Barry will takes 6 weeks to recover. Then be back on stage in chicago on Feb 2.

Tuesday-I'm thinking about doing my weekly blog after I get home from Christmas Day next week.

Wednesday Crazy Day

Thursday-I gas up my car. It was $19.38. Went to Walmart for the week and got my Christmas shopping done. I received a Christmas card from Christy and Tom it was a picture of  them with Sophia.

Friday-I got my paycheck at 11AM. 

Saturday-I sleeped in the living room last night. I wake up at 3:15AM. Clean part of the kitchen put part of the laundry awayby 8AM. Indiana College Basketball team won again Today. I made a group For Barry Manilow, David Cassidy, Shaun Cassidy and Clay Aiken fans on Facebbok


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