Sunday, February 12, 2012

My week 2/5 to 2/11

Sunday-After my 2 blog done. I was cleaning out my yahoo page. Christopher sent me a Email Subject: Homecoming. Christopher wrote that he have move back to Fort Wayne. I E-mail Christopher back. But he never Email one back. So I Email Christy to see if it was ture About Christopher .

Monday-I sent 4 pen pal letters Today. I was hoping for pen pal letters in the mail. I got something better. My stuff for my license plate came. Christy Email me  Christopher did move back to Fort Wayne.

Tuesday-I did 8 load of laundry. the last load was dish towels. I received a pen pal letter Today. I was thinking of Christy. I'm going to email Christy the week of 3/2.

Wednesday. I use Act this morning. I should use Listerine this morning.

Thursday-Stori call to to see if I want to go out for lunch. Stori, the boys and I went to Hardee's. Stori told me that Ian was out of pull-up for good. Owen had 2 teeth since last Friday.

Friday-I received the cookies from Raynell. Raynell told me, I didn't have pay for my order. It rain/snow Today. I tweet @clayaiken at Twitter about that I'm putting $350.00 from my tax check in my National Inclusion Project jar. @clayaiken retweet me back and told me I rock.

Saturday-I received a new pen pal. I had to call McAfee. Because my firewall got unhook. So I had a lady download McAfee from the McAfee office tonight at 5PM.


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