Sunday, August 26, 2012

My week 8/19 to 8/25

Sunday-Christy you see the pcture of the IU and Barry pictures in this blog. If You look under Deborah weekly blog to the left you will see the IU picture that what I was talk about last Sunday in my TxT. At 11:53PM last night (8/18) I change all my profile to the kids or my own picture. I put my own picture pricture on twitter. So Clay know what I look like. I will change my profiles before 9/1 again.

Monday-I was talking at work. It hit me. My Great-Niece Sophia Blake is 14 month old Today Wish Clay Aiken fan club would post dates of the tour.

                  Tuesday-I forgot my glasses at home Today. I didin't know until I start working.   Owen Sullivan is 14 month old Today. I been having bad feeling about Clay Aiken Christmas tour. Ian start preschool Today for the 2 nd year.         

Wednesday-I mow my grass for the first time since June. Because we didn't have rain.. I received the Barry Manilow pictures. Stori and I order on Friday.

Thursday-I PM Vanessa days ago at Clay Fan Club. She got back to me. What she said don't good. My bad feeling got real bad for Clay. I got 2 pictures come to my head. Clay house and his tour bus. and I never had pictures when I get this feeling before I only get words. The feeling was so bad I was sick and crying about  it

Friday-I wake up at 2:05AM with the bad feeling couldn't lay down after I got on the computer. So the 2nd time I got up. I tweet Clay about my feeling. I know he think I'm crazy. But I had to tell him so I could go to work. I would be very upset and sick at work. If I didn't tweet Clay.

Saturday-I tweet Clay about try to make a blanket with his concert T-shirs. He tweet me back Ask me to tweet  him a picture. I got laundry done at 6:30AM Clay Aiken made my day.


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