Friday, October 21, 2016

My week 10/15 to 10/21

Saturday-I got my pen pal letter done in my notebook. I started writing the letter on my print shop. 
 Sunday-I went to Walmart with coupons for the month. I use the gift card to pay. I have over $46.00 on the card from $100.00. I will use the card Tomorrow.
Monday-Christy call me on my Iphone. She told me some bad news. She told me something that I never would heard from her. 
Tuesday-The news from Christy is eating at me. She ask me not to tell anyone for a day. Because Dad wasn't home on Monday when Christy call the house. 

 Wednesday-I told 4 co-worker about Christy phone call from Monday. I post in Clayversity about the call. After talking about the call the news didn't eat at me Today. Malcolm Thayer Charles was 2 months old yesterday. 

 Thursday-I E-mail Christy this morning. I think I will E-mail her every week. I didn't get my mail Today. Because it was raining off and on all day. 

Friday-Last night I call state Farm about paying half of my car Insurance. I can pay the other half in 60 days. So I did it. 

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